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Übersetzung - Englisch-Italienisch - Important! During a 'random-opponent match, do...

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Kategorie Erklärungen - Spiele

Important! During a 'random-opponent match, do...
Übermittelt von duhifat
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

Important! During a 'random-opponent' match, do not send the app to the background (or answer your iPhone), or you might lose the match and your J-coin stake.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
This is a warning inside an iPhone game, that warns the user not to send the application to the background (or in other words: switch to a different app) or answer any phone calls on their iphone during a "Random Opponent" match. Or else: they will lose the game, and their coin stake (bet).


Übersetzt von Alessandra87
Zielsprache: Italienisch

Attenzione! Durante una partita "contro un avversario casuale" non mandare l'applicazione in secondo piano (e non rispondere a una chiamata sul tuo iPhone) perché potresti perdere la partita e le J-Coins puntate.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
I did not change "J-Coins", but the Italian translation would be "monete J".
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von Efylove - 18 Februar 2013 23:15