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17Übersetzung - Türkisch-Englisch - Beklenen Gün Gelecekse Çekilen Acılar Kutsaldır !

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Beklenen Gün Gelecekse Çekilen Acılar Kutsaldır !
Übermittelt von EryxTR_HeavyMissile
Herkunftssprache: Türkisch

Beklenen Gün Gelecekse Çekilen Acılar Kutsaldır !

If the awaited day comes, the ...

Übersetzt von ugursmsk
Zielsprache: Englisch

If the awaited day comes, the suffering will be holy.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 16 September 2008 03:52

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14 September 2008 00:21

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Hi ugursmsk,

I think that should be:

"If the awaited day comes, the suffering will be sacred."

sacred? Is that the only word we can use?

14 September 2008 01:33

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
I think you didn't understand my correction.
That is a conditional sentence which requires a correct combination of verb tenses.
For this type, we must combine if + present (comes) + future (will be)