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翻译 - 俄语-英语 - Здравствуйте. Я получила информацию о вашей...

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Здравствуйте. Я получила информацию о вашей...
源语言: 俄语

Здравствуйте. Я получила информацию о вашей компании от господина Мюллера. Наша компания, занимающаяся поставкой складского оборудования, хотела бы работать с вами. Для начала мы хотели бы получить от вас: прайс-лист с ценами нетто (со скидкой); количество изделий, которые можно погрузить в стандартный грузовик; всю техническую спецификацию на вашу продукцию. С уважением, генеральный директор компании.

I received an information about your company

翻译 Elena_Interesna
目的语言: 英语

Hello. I received some information about your company from Mr. Muller. Our company is specialized in warehouse equipment supply, and we would like to work with you. At first we would like to receive: a price list with net prices (with a discount); the quantity of items which can be loaded in a standard truck; all the technical specifications of your production.
Sincerely, the general executive of the company.
kafetzou认可或编辑 - 2007年 七月 23日 16:34



2007年 七月 21日 18:36

文章总计: 7963
Please note that several edits have been made to the translation.

2007年 七月 22日 16:58

文章总计: 76
Наша компания, занимающаяся поставкой складского оборудования, хотела бы работать с вами.
(1) 'Our company makes racks for warehouse equipment' it seems to me that it's unright translation of the sentence. There should be 'Our company is specialized in warehouse equipment supply'.
(2) 'and I would like to work with you' should be replaced with 'and we would like to work with you' because the matter in the source text concerns a company that wants to work with other company.

2007年 七月 22日 21:19

文章总计: 773
I agree with RainnSaw.
And, instead of "With best wishes" - Sincerely yours

2007年 七月 22日 22:22

文章总计: 7963
Russian experts, could you please state your opinions on this?

CC: gaponka pelirroja Melissenta ramarren afkalin

2007年 七月 23日 05:38

文章总计: 291
"Best wishes" can be used, I think, but about this we should ask English experts =)))

As for general, everything is OK, as to my mind

2007年 七月 23日 06:01

文章总计: 76
I'm sorry but as I can understand 'rack' it's 'полка' - an open framework or stand for displaying or holding something. Do you really think that right translation for 'Наша компания, занимающаяся поставкой складского оборудования' is 'Our company makes racks for warehouse equipment'???

2007年 七月 23日 07:42

文章总计: 291
Oh, I'm sorry, I missed this phrase. Of course, it must be changed. You can make some proposals, and English experts will correct it

2007年 七月 23日 10:33

文章总计: 87
Really, there are several moments I consider to be incorrect.
1.The sentence "Наша компания, занимающаяся поставкой складского оборудования, хотела бы работать с вами" is translated incorrectly. As one of the variants of the translation: "Our company provides/is specialized in/ warehouse equipment supply and would like to cooperate with you."
2."Количество изделий" - "quantity of items (or pieces)" sounds better.
3. I agree with Ramarren concerning "Best wishes" at the end of the letter. Or "Best regards", "Sincerely yours" are also possible.

2007年 七月 23日 14:28

文章总计: 7963
Thanks, everyone, for your help. I've made a few more edits according to what you said above. Please check it to make sure it's correct.

CC: RainnSaw Cinderella

2007年 七月 23日 16:31

文章总计: 76
As I wrote above 'and I would like to work with you' should be replaced with 'and we would like to work with you'. And that's it - this translation is OK.

2007年 七月 23日 16:34

文章总计: 7963
Oh - sorry, RainnSaw - I missed that one. It's fixed now.