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Originalan tekst - Engleski - 9. Appropriate security measures for...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: Engleski

Kategorija Objašnjenja - Posao / Zaposlenja

9. Appropriate security measures for...
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao zehracık
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

9. Appropriate security measures for [Conference/Assembly] participants, visitors and other staff will be determined by the UPU designated official in coordination with the Host Country Liaison Officer. These measures will reflect participants’ and others’ status level. Special and specific measures for VVIPs will form part of the Security Plan.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
UPU AnlaÅŸma Metni
19 studeni 2014 09:02