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Originalan tekst - Engleski - An ice age can last for

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiTurski

An ice age can last for
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao leyla86
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

An ice age can last for tens of millions years . The warm periods between ice ages last hundreds of millions of years.Earth can warm up somewhat for short periods during an ince age. A warm time within an ice age is called interglacial. Several interglacials can occur during an ice age . Each one may last for 10,000 years or more. Ice ages are not like seasons. They do not arrive on any known schedule. In fact , no can tell when an ice age beginning. The climate changes very slowly .
Posljednji uredio leyla86 - 20 listopad 2012 22:46