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Originalan tekst - Engleski - Greetings, o solid one! I’m tumbler the mighty!...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiŠpanjolski

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Greetings, o solid one! I’m tumbler the mighty!...
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Izvorni jezik: Engleski

Greetings, o solid one! I’m tumbler the mighty! Solve the puzzle and you can take this infernal thing that’s stuck under me!

we’re the twinklies! Protect us from the twinkly munchers as we hop across to our tree. If enough of us get there, we can light the tree for you!

Motzand plays his organ with ease, but can you follow him on the keys?

Bzzz… hello fat little bee! We zubbas are guarding grunty’s golden honey piece, we’ve been told there’s a honey bear out there!

He’s beaten us! Oh will, we were getting bored of guarding it anyway…
Primjedbe o prijevodu
esto es de un juego de nitendo 64- banjo kazooie
14 veljača 2010 16:31