Cucumis - שירות תרגום מקוון חינם
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20תרגום - רומנית-אנגלית - Pentru inima mea

מצב נוכחיתרגום
הטקסט נגיש בשפות הבאות: רומניתאנגליתספרדיתאיטלקית

קטגוריה שיר

Pentru inima mea
נשלח על ידי iepurica
שפת המקור: רומנית

E târziu dar îmi pare rău, dragostea mea, că vei pleca,
Dar numai Dumnezeu ÅŸtie ce vrea inima mea
E târziu dar îmi pare rău, dragostea mea, că vei pleca.

Haide, spune ceva pentru inima mea!
Numai două cuvinte şi poţi pleca.
Lasă-mi pentru iubirea ce-a fost între noi,
O speranţă că vii înapoi.
Ştiu că încă mă mai iubeşti, dar vrei să pleci şi vei pleca.
Însă numai tu îţi doreşti, nu asta vrea inima ta
Dacă pleci anii vor fi grei, nu pot să-nving durerea grea,
Lacrimile din ochii mei nu te conving, iubirea mea.
הערות לגבי התרגום
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti".

For my heart

תורגם על ידי iepurica
שפת המטרה: אנגלית

It is late but I feel sorry, my love, you will leave
Only God knows what my heart wishes
It is late but I feel sorry, my love, you will leave

Come on, say something for my heart!
Only two words and you can leave
In the name of love that was between us, leave me
a hope that you will be back.
I know you still love me, but you want to leave and you will leave.
But only you wish that, your heart doesn't
If you leave, the years will be hard to live, I cannot overcome the ache
The tears from my eyes don't convince you, my love
אושר לאחרונה ע"י kafetzou - 15 אפריל 2007 15:32

הודעה אחרונה


13 אפריל 2007 05:55

מספר הודעות: 7963
I edited a couple of things, but I'm still stuck on "I cannot defend the hard pain" - what does it mean?

15 אפריל 2007 06:36

מספר הודעות: 2102
Actually was "I cannot overcome the hard pain" or "I can not get over the hard pain". I just did not think too much there. Thank you.

15 אפריל 2007 15:31

מספר הודעות: 7963
Thanks - I changed it to "I cannot overcome the ache" - "hard pain" doesn't exist in English.