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Vertaling - Engels-Braziliaans Portugees - If Zurich were in India...

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Categorie Chat

If Zurich were in India...
Opgestuurd door cmal
Uitgangs-taal: Engels Vertaald door markowe

Now, if Zurich were in India I might even join you in Meridian... I've just got up, but if there's any action happening later give me a call...
Details voor de vertaling
I have no idea what the conversation is about, but that is the meaning!

Braziliaans Portugees

Vertaald door lilian canale
Doel-taal: Braziliaans Portugees

Agora, se Zurique ficasse na Índia eu até me juntaria a você em Meridian...
Acabei de levantar, mas se houver alguma ação mais tarde, me ligue...
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 27 september 2011 13:42