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Vertaling - Bulgaars-Italiaans - На вечеря

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Categorie Het dagelijkse leven

На вечеря
Opgestuurd door bobarlino
Uitgangs-taal: Bulgaars

Писах на Диаволинко да ми купи карта утре. Знаеш ли, той ми липсва, ти също. На морето беше хубаво, утре пак. Обаче гръцкото море ми липсва също. Надявам се, че си добре? Обичам те. Марен
p.s. Антонио каза да ти кажа ciao, тоест здравей. И alora, означава: и така...
Details voor de vertaling
mam na vecheria ame.pisah na diavolinko da mi kupi karta utre.znaesh li toi mi lipsva.tisashto. na moreto beshe hubavo.utre pak. obache gr.more mi lipsva sushto. nadiavam se che si dobre? Obicham te. Maren p.s. Antonio kaza ti kaja ciao,t.e.zdravei. I alora oznachava i taka.

На вечеря

Vertaald door raykogueorguiev
Doel-taal: Italiaans

Ho scritto a Diavoletto di comprarmi una carta domani. Sai che lui mi manca, anche tu. Al mare era bello, domani si va ancora. Pero' anche il mare greco mi manca. Spero che tu stia bene. Ti amo. Maren
p.s.: Antonio ha detto di dirti ciao, cioe' di salutarti. E allora vuol dire: и така...
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door Maybe:-) - 19 augustus 2010 16:26

Laatste bericht


13 augustus 2010 15:35

Aantal berichten: 338
Hello! Could someone provide me with a bridge for this translation? Thanks in advance

CC: ViaLuminosa

13 augustus 2010 19:32

Aantal berichten: 1116
"Hi, I wrote Diavoletto to buy me a map tomorrow. You know, I miss him, you too. It was nice on the beach, tomorrow - again. But I miss the Greek sea as well. Hopefully you're fine. I love you. Maren.
P.S. Antonio told me to say "ciao", i.e. "hello". And also "alora", it means:.... And so on."