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20翻訳 - イタリア語-英語 - GL Artwork IV

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: イタリア語英語

カテゴリ 説明 - 芸術 / 作成 / 想像

GL Artwork IV
原稿の言語: イタリア語

GPF è uno spettacolo di danza interattiva e multimediale progettato e realizzato da GL in collaborazione con la danzatrice MFG.
Immergendo l’individuo-interprete in un paesaggio multimediale astratto, ricostruito artificialmente con suoni, colori e parole, viene indagata la relazione tra i linguaggi dei diversi media in scena, in particolare focalizzando l’attenzione sul peso semantico che, di volta in volta, rende preminente in termini percettivi un canale informativo piuttosto che un altro.
Alla performance viene sovrapposto un piano narrativo nel quale l’individuo-performer, partendo da una presa di coscienza di se stesso e dei complessi intrecci semantici che modellano l’ambiente circostante, interagisce con il paesaggio stesso, grazie a un sistema interattivo di detezione del movimento. Quando le regole di questo paesaggio cambiano, l’individuo è costretto a rimettere in discussione le proprie conoscenze per poter gestire la nuova situazione. In questo lavoro GL analizza le relazioni tra un sistema autonomo, composto da differenti flussi mediatici, e la capacità dell’uomo di controllarlo, delineando una metafora del processo di adattamento.
May a native English expert review this.

GL Artwork IV

翻訳の言語: 英語

GPF is an interactive, multimedia dance show, drafted and finalised by GL in collaboration with the dancer, MFG.

Plunging the individual/interpreter into an abstract, artificially reconstructed, multimedia landscape, with sound, colour and words, forces reflection on the relationship between the languages of the various media present, with a particular attention focussed on the semantic weight which, time after time, pre-empts, in perceptive terms, one information channel rather than another.

To this performance is superimposed a narrative plan, in which the individual/performer is taken from his present awareness of himself and of the complex semantic intertwining which model the surrounding atmosphere, to interacting with the landscape itself, thanks to an interactive motion detection system. When the rules of the landscape change, the individual is constrained to put his own awareness in question, in order to cope with the new situation. In this work, GL analyses the relationship between an autonomous system composed of different media streams, and the capacity of Man to control them, outlining a metaphor of adaptation processes.
It's a native English speaker who's translated it!! :)
最終承認・編集者 kafetzou - 2007年 6月 14日 17:30



2007年 6月 11日 13:21

投稿数: 1655

2007年 6月 11日 14:17

投稿数: 2747
Hi Xini,

What do you think? Did I understand all or most of the italian?

There may be more appropriate jargon for some of the more technical computery words. I'm sure someone will suggest some if I didn't find the exact terms.

2007年 6月 11日 14:37

投稿数: 1655
It seems ok, but

thanks to an interactive, motion detection system.

I think the comma can be omitted...?

with sound, colour and speech, forces reflection

speech -> I would prefer "words" as the words are both spelled and displayed o a projection. Is it ok?

Thank you!

2007年 6月 14日 16:43

投稿数: 7963
Well done, Tantine!

Yes, the comma that Xini mentioned needs to come out.

Also, I don't think the word "circumstantial" is right for "circostante" - how about "surrounding"?

And yes, "words" would be OK instead of "speech".

2007年 6月 14日 17:18

投稿数: 2747
All this seems good to me



2007年 6月 14日 17:29

投稿数: 7963
I also changed "superposed" to "superimposed".

2007年 6月 14日 17:49

投稿数: 2747
OK, no problem.

