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原稿の言語: フランス語

Les soussignés demandent à tous les responsables politiques de la planète
- de traduire devant la Cour internationale de justice les criminels qui sont à l'origine des méga pollutions du golfe du Mexique, du delta du Niger.... avec création d'une commission d’enquête internationale indépendante
- d'interdire tous les projets de forage en mer, en Alaska et dans toutes les réserves de biodiversité (Amazonie....)
- d'investir massivement dans les alternatives aux combustibles fossiles (pétrole, gaz, uranium) et les économies d'énergie
British English, European Portuguese, Dutch from Holland, Spanish from Spain if your please.


Ionut Andrei様が翻訳しました
翻訳の言語: 英語

The undersigned ask all politicians of the planet
-to bring before the International Court of Justice the criminals responsible for the major contamination of the Gulf of Mexico, the Niger delta... by setting up an independent international commission to investigate this
-to prohibit all the drilling projects in the sea, in Alaska and in all the reserves of biodiversity (Amazon...)
-to massively invest in alternatives for fossil fuels (petrol, gas, uranium) and in energy saving
最終承認・編集者 Lein - 2010年 7月 22日 11:49



2010年 7月 22日 11:48

投稿数: 3389
Hi Ionut Andrei

Some suggestions:

- 'the political responsible' is not an expression you'll hear in English. How about 'all politicians of the planet'? (a politician is, in my opinion, implicitly politicly responsible )
- to bring before the International etc.
- 'major' is much more commonly used than 'mega' (except in REALLY informal speach)
- the Gulf of Mexico
- of course, the Bay of Mexico is not in the Niger Delta, which is what your text appears to say. Better leave away the word 'in' here
- by setting up an independent international commission to investigate this
- to prohibit (is more official and therefore fits better here)
- alternatives for fossil fuels
- 'economies of the energy
'energy saving'

Let me know if you agree and I can set a poll

2010年 7月 21日 08:36

Ionut Andrei
投稿数: 56
Yeah, sure. After all the one that posted the text wants an acurate and corecte translation.

2010年 7月 21日 10:56

投稿数: 3389
Thank you!
I've set a poll