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原稿 - フランス語 - Je suis désolé, je n'ai plus de ...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: フランス語ブラジルのポルトガル語


Je suis désolé, je n'ai plus de ...
Claudia Moyses Coutinho様が投稿しました
原稿の言語: フランス語

Je suis désolé, je n'ai plus de nouvelles
Before edits:
"je suis dsl je n'ai plus de nouvelle" <Lilian>

<edit> "dsl" with"désolé" ou "désolée" as it the way it reads in current French- note : dsl means "sorry" in French "sms language"</edit> (06/29/francky thanks to Sweety and Lilian's notifications)
Francky5591が最後に編集しました - 2010年 6月 30日 00:07



2010年 6月 29日 12:09

投稿数: 12396
This sentence in French is too approximative to be correctly understood.
What is it about? Is it about the internet connection? Then in France, we say "ADSL", not simply dsl. Then we use the auxiliary verb "to have" with it, which gives : "J'ai l'ADSL".
But is it about the type of connection, or another abbreviation? Difficult to say reading this short sentence totally lacking punctuation.
Moreover, when it is about news, same as in English we use an "s" at the end ("nouvelles", "avoir des nouvelles de quelqu'un)

So the correct way this sentence should read is :
"J'ai l'ADSL, je n'ai plus de nouvelles"/ I've got a DSL connection, I haven't got anymore news..." (from...)

Lilian, could you please explain this to the requester, and/or edit her request?

Thanks a lot!

CC: lilian canale

2010年 6月 29日 13:00

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972

O especialista em francês explica que a sua frase não é correta gramaticalmente.
Ela deveria ser:
"J'ai l'ADSL, je n'ai plus de nouvelles"

Por isso o seu pedido foi editado antes de ser traduzido, OK?

2010年 6月 29日 19:09

Sweet Dreams
投稿数: 2202
Je suis dsl = Je suis désolé

"Je suis désolé, je n'ai plus de nouvelles."

2010年 6月 29日 23:53

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
That makes sense

Francky? Do you agree with Sweet Dreams?
If so, please edit the text once more.

2010年 6月 30日 00:03

投稿数: 12396
Sweety's right, she's more used to sms than I am! I'll edit the text, thanks Sweety and Lilian!