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Translation - English-Brazilian Portuguese - Not much of an attempt is made to fashion these...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishBrazilian Portuguese

Category Free writing - Arts / Creativity / Imagination

Not much of an attempt is made to fashion these...
Submitted by pedroc
Source language: English

Not much of an attempt is made to fashion these people into a plot anything like a wedding party you've seen in a movie before.
Remarks about the translation
Extraido do texto:

Não são feitas grandes tentativas para adaptar essas...
Brazilian Portuguese

Translated by Morganno
Target language: Brazilian Portuguese

Não são feitas grandes tentativas para inserir essas pessoas em um enredo que se pareça com uma festa de casamento das que você já viu em um filme antes.
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 20 March 2013 15:18