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Translation - Indonesian-English - kak raj, kapan bagi saya credit saya mau sekarang...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: IndonesianEnglishArabic

Category Daily life

This translation request is "Meaning only".
kak raj, kapan bagi saya credit saya mau sekarang...
Submitted by رغده
Source language: Indonesian

kak raj, kapan bagi saya credit saya mau sekarang kalau tak mau bagi sekarang aku marah sama kakak ok
Remarks about the translation
رساله تانيه من خدامتي الي شخص

Sister Raj

Translated by soy
Target language: English

Sister Raj,

When will you share the credit with me? I want it now. If you don't do it now, I'll be angry with you.
Remarks about the translation
Kak(=kakak) means older sibling or slightly older person but it is irrespective of gender.
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 27 January 2009 13:32