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Traduction - Anglais-Arabe - What are you doing? How are you? How's life...

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What are you doing? How are you? How's life...
Proposé par وسام2
Langue de départ: Anglais

What are you doing? How are you? How's life going? Have you taken your food? When did you sleep yesterday?
I am doing fine. Working in the office. Life is also going good but missing you. No, have to take it yet. I slept quite late yesterday that is around 3 'o' clock
Commentaires pour la traduction
Translate it in ORIYA language


Traduit par وسام2
Langue d'arrivée: Arabe

ماذا تفعل كيف حاللك كيف تسير حياتك? هل تناولت طعامك? متى خلدت الى النوم البارحة? انا بخير اني اعمل في المكتب. حياتي ايضا تسير بخير ولكني افتقدكز لا لم اتناوله بعد. لقد نمت البارحة حوالي الساعة الثالثة
Dernière édition ou validation par jaq84 - 14 Septembre 2009 10:48