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Tercüme - İngilizce-Lehçe - If the war is lost, then it is of no concern to...

Şu anki durumTercüme
Bu yazının aşağıdaki dillerde karşılığı vardır: İngilizceRomenceLehçe

Kategori Toplum / Insanlar / Politika

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If the war is lost, then it is of no concern to...
Öneri mataakia
Kaynak dil: İngilizce

If the war is lost, then it is of no concern to me if the people perish in it. I still would not shed a single tear for them; Because they did not deserve any better.

Jeśli wojna jest przegrana, to nie dbam o to

Çeviri iluvmilka
Hedef dil: Lehçe

Jeśli wojna jest przegrana, to nie dbam o to, że ludzie w niej giną. Nie uronię ani jednej łzy, ponieważ nie zasłużyli na nic lepszego.
En son Edyta223 tarafından onaylandı - 14 Mayıs 2010 19:45