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Originaltext - Englisch - Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is one of the major oldest Tea...

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Kategorie Erklärungen - Nachrichten / Laufende Geschäfte

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is one of the major oldest Tea...
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Übermittelt von nahide
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is one of the major oldest Tea Producing the country in world. Although new
tea producing countries are emerged in the later part of 20th centaury, Sri Lanka still remains a
leading country in tea production and as supplier to global tea market. Sri Lanka is the third
major producer and exporter supplier to next to India and Kenya. Sri Lanka is remains supplier
to the Europe, West and Middle Asia. Since 1970s Kenya and other Tea producing countries
gradually became as on of the major supplier to Europe.
3 Dezember 2007 16:53