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Originaltext - Englisch - . If a passage of music has been recorded...

momentaner StatusOriginaltext
Dieser Text ist in den folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: EnglischTürkisch

Kategorie Computer / Internet

. If a passage of music has been recorded...
Zu übersetzender Text
Übermittelt von mahmut345
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

If a passage of music has been recorded multiple times, then these will be available in the source as multiple takes. The overview project primarily serves for navigating in the source. Each take is represented by its own object. Musically equal material is organized in parallel and temporally ideal. This allows takes to be switched exactly according to the sound while an alternative recording is monitored as an overview.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
müzik programının bir özelliği anlatılıyor bu özelliğin ana adı musyc
6 April 2013 13:15