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Originaltext - Englisch - Mother: Are you alright? Daughter: ...

momentaner StatusOriginaltext
Dieser Text ist in den folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: EnglischPersische Sprache

Kategorie Fiktion / Geschichte - Heim / Familie

Mother: Are you alright? Daughter: ...
Zu übersetzender Text
Übermittelt von ミハイル
Herkunftssprache: Englisch

Are you alright?

Daughter 1:
Sorry,mother. I tripped over a stone...

Son 1(Daniel):
Shit!! Military Cops!!!

Son 2(Shamus):
Run!! Mother! Big sister!!

Noooo! I don't wanna die!!
Don't kill meeee!

[Father was shot instead of his wife, his sons and daughters]



Daniel...Shamus...I...I entrust hers to you...!
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Imagining a situation where they are running out of military cops,please translate their conversation according to their age,gender,and sex.
<edit> "miltary" with "military"</edit>

Daughter1:A girl with 17 years old
Daughter2:A girl with 25 years old
Daniel:A boy with 23 years old
Mother:A miss with about 40's years old
Father:A man with about 50's years old

Please could you leave a romanized version in the remarks field from the translation? Thanks!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Francky5591 - 20 Mai 2010 10:41

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20 Mai 2010 10:40

Anzahl der Beiträge: 12396
Hi ミハイル!

Here on translations must be done in the original fonts used by the language, if someone translates this text, s/he's got to place the version in Persian characters in the translation frame, then s/he can add a romanized version in the remarks field.

As in the databank from , a Persian text reads in Persian fonts.

Please note : A translator that would only provide us with the version in Persian fonts can have her/his translation validated