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nos adjuvare potes

翻译 stell
目的语言: 拉丁语

Tua indicia nos adjuvare possunt ad translationum aestimationem.
-tua indicia: (tes informations) nominatif spluriel neutre
-nos: (nous) accusatif (COD de ajuvare
-adjuvare: (aider) infinitif
-possunt: possum,potes,posse (pouvoir) 3° pers. pluriel
-ad: (pour) + acc.
-translationum: (traduction) génitif pluriel (c. du nom aestimationem)
-aestimationem: (évaluation) accusatif singulier (dépend de ad)
Porfyhr认可或编辑 - 2007年 八月 11日 15:04



2007年 二月 4日 10:03

文章总计: 1655

what's your idea about using the i instead of j?

While the former is widely used in "modern" latin, the latter may sound so-to-speak "archaic"...

What do you think about it?

2007年 二月 4日 11:52

文章总计: 972
Xini, tu intendi dire che J è del latino arcaico?
Guilon la pensa esattamente al contrario, c'era già stata una discussione sull'argomento. Vedi:
Mi sono documentata meglio e ha ragione Guilon: il fatto è che il latino che si studia a scuola è quello classico, il latino di Cicerone, che comunque è rimasto il modello per eccellenza. Del resto non mi sembra che neanche nel latino della messa, che è decisamente più tardo, si usi la J.
Può darsi però che in Francia si comportino in modo diverso.
Secondo me , la J è stata introdotta nell'alfabeto latino, quando la lingua stava già diventando neolatino e la i intervocalica veniva pronunciata diversamente nei diversi paesi.
Pensa a Maius - maggio- mai
iuvenes - giovane - jeune
Ora che ci penso, Juventus, la squadra di calcio, è scritta con la J.

2007年 二月 4日 12:48

文章总计: 141
Actually there was no "j" in latin at the beginning (as well as no "v" ) . It was introduced later (I don't know exactly when but I think it must be in the middle ages). So the original latin texts are written with "i" but in France we study them at school with the new spelling ("j" ) .
But I don't know which one is better to use in this case...

2007年 二月 4日 13:04

文章总计: 1655
Apple, I don't find the discussion on your link.

Anyway, I was saying that it sounds to me more modern than j.
This is because, in Italy, we study Latin with "i". (And with wrong pronunciation too.) But I often saw j in old're right, no archaic but...aged. Middle-aged, maybe. That's why I have this impression.

But Stell is saying that in France they're learning with now I don't know what to do...

What are your ideas about that? I'd like to be "philologically correct".

2007年 二月 15日 10:16

文章总计: 972
I can't enter my link either, I don't know why. If you search "ejus", there's something there but there was some more that must have gone lost.
What I don't understand is why we should speak English, while two of us are Italians and the other one is French. (I saw that Stell has got an Italian flag as well, and you've got a French one). Anyway... Well, I think that we should accept both versions, if the use of J is a general habit in French schools. We can't be too strictly "ciceronian" for the spelling when we are "medieval" in pronounciation. (In classical Latin, Caesar should sound like Kaisar, more or less.) It might be interesting to know how Latin is pronounced in different countries. I mean in schools and universtities, since in church, I think, from seeing in movies, it is pronounced more or less in the same way as it is in Italy.