Cucumis - 网上免费翻译服务
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翻译 - 英语-丹麦语 - Learn English! Try one of our exercises and learn...

本文可用以下语言: 英语挪威语意大利语法语丹麦语荷兰语西班牙语冰岛语阿拉伯语捷克语芬兰语德语希腊语波兰语保加利亚语俄语葡萄牙语拉脱维亚语匈牙利语立陶宛语

讨论区 网站 / 博客 / 论坛 - 教育

Learn English! Try one of our exercises and learn...
提交 xamine
源语言: 英语

Learn English!
Try one of our exercises and learn English in a fun way!
This translation should contain two rows, they are used as a title and description.

--- Context ---
This text will be placed on the website.
It should attract the users' attention and in a friendly / informative way inform them that they could try one of our exercises.

--- Language info ---
French: French from France
Dutch: language spoken in The Netherlands
Norwegian: Bokmål

--- Additional info --- is used to learn words in foreign languages.
An "exercise" is collection of questions that the computer will ask the user.

--- FINALLY ---
Please copy/paste or translate this information into the "Remarks about the translation"-field in order to be available to people that are translating from your translation.

Thank you.

Lær engelsk!

翻译 gamine
目的语言: 丹麦语

Lær engelsk!

Prøv en af vores opgaver og lær engelsk på en morsom måde.
This text will be placed on the website.

This translation should contain two rows, they are used as a title and description.

--- Context ---
This text will be placed on the website.
It should attract the users' attention and in a friendly / informative way inform them that they could try one of our exercises.

--- Language info ---
French: French from France
Dutch: language spoken in The Netherlands
Norwegian: Bokmål

--- Additional info --- is used to learn words in foreign languages.
An "exercise" is collection of questions that the computer will ask the user.

--- FINALLY ---
Please copy/paste or translate this information into the "Remarks about the translation"-field in order to be available to people that are translating from your translation.
wkn认可或编辑 - 2008年 九月 1日 09:14