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63Переклад - Італійська-Англійська - Amore mio..sei sempre nei miei ti...

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Amore mio..sei sempre nei miei ti...
Публікацію зроблено tinas.
Мова оригіналу: Італійська

Amore mio..sei sempre nei miei ti amo alla follia e sono troppo contenta ke te non saprei più come vivere senza di te...sei tutto per me..non voglio mai più perderti..sei la cosa più bella che mi sia mai capitata..ti voglio un mondo di bene..

My love ... you are always in my thoughts

Переклад зроблено apple
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

My love ... you are always in my thoughts ... I'm crazy about you and I'm so happy that you exist ... I wouldn't know how to live without you anymore ... you are my everything ... I don't want to lose you anymore ... you are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me ... I love you so much ...
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
Your translation was very good, Kafetzou, except for the last sentence. I will give you the points, since our roles are inverted here.
Затверджено kafetzou - 6 Березня 2007 16:32