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Переклад - Латинська-Англійська - Lier etiam Ruth ab eo conscriptus est, a quo &...

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Lier etiam Ruth ab eo conscriptus est, a quo &...
Публікацію зроблено jairhaas
Мова оригіналу: Латинська

Liber etiam Ruth ab eo conscriptus est, a quo & liber Iudicum, cum decisus asseratur ex libro Iudicum.

For the Book of Ruth was written by the person...

Переклад зроблено Aneta B.
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

For the Book of Ruth was written by the person who had also written the Book of Judges, though it is finally separated from the Book of Judges.
Затверджено lilian canale - 31 Січня 2010 14:34