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번역 - 아라비아어-영어 - اللي بليله غرقان سارح بهالنجمات يتأمل انه في ...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 아라비아어영어

분류 노래 - 예술 / 창조력 / 상상력

اللي بليله غرقان سارح بهالنجمات يتأمل انه في ...
원문 언어: 아라비아어

اللي بليله غرقان سارح بهالنجمات
يتأمل انه في مين عم يفكر فيه
واللي هربان من الحرب خوفها سابقها لبعيد
لما تسأل عن اللي صار
امها تقلا ما في شي
في موت بصرخ ما بيطلع صوت
في موت كيف بغني ومالي صوت
بدي غني للناس
الي ما عندن ناس
وكانوا هني الأساس
لكن كيف بغني كيف
وبدي غني لبلاد
اهلها بـ غير بلاد
ونسيت طعم الأعياد
لكن كيف بغني كيف
مين الي بيشن الحرب باسم حقوق الانسان

이 번역물에 관한 주의사항

He whose mind, in the night, is drifting in the stars...

jeko에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

He whose mind, in the night, is drifting in the stars
hoping that there is someone thinking about him
and who is fleeing a war whose fear overruns it.
When she asks about what happened,
Her mother tells her that there is nothing.
Death is everywhere, when I scream no sound is heard.
Death is everywhere, how can I sing while I have no voice?
I want to sing for people
who have no one
And who were everything.
But how do I sing? How?
And I want to sing for a country
whose people are in another country
And forgot the taste of feast.
But how do I sing? How?
Who is that who makes war in the name of human rights?
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2010년 8월 29일 13:45