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Original text - English - 12th January 2032 Here in Rangoon today, we have...

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishFrench

Category Speech - Society / People / Politics

12th January 2032 Here in Rangoon today, we have...
Text to be translated
Submitted by willpaddyg
Source language: English

12th January 2032
Here in Rangoon today, we have witnessed an incredible sight, democracy in Burma. The international community applauds the work of the Burmese people to gain democracy in their country. I hope that this will lead to Burma entering the international stage once again and lead to prosperous relations between Burma and the world.
Thank you.
Remarks about the translation
French from France, and, if possible, Burmese.
21 September 2011 20:01