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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Communication is Confrontation

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Catégorie Humour - Arts / Création / Imagination

Communication is Confrontation
Texte à traduire
Proposé par AEChadwick
Langue de départ: Anglais

Communication is Confrontation
Commentaires pour la traduction
I work on a large TV show--so large that people hide in their departments and don't share information.

This is a combined syndrome, (1) people don’t to be responsible for anything (2) people don't want reveal how little they know about anything and (3) people are terrified of being wrong and getting into an argument.

One day I joked “welcome to [SHOW], where the motto is Communication is Confrontation... uh, it sounds better in Latin."

So... now I want it in Latin, to put on t-shirts for my crew.

Give me a good translation and I'll send you a shirt, too, or some swag from the production office, or whatever you want.

Note: I am fully open to changes in word or phrasing to achieve a motto that basically says “ALL INFORMATION IS A FIGHT."
9 Septembre 2016 19:32