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Textul original - Engleză - I was referred to you

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Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: Engleză

Categorie Scrisoare/Email - Sănătate/Medicină

I was referred to you
Text de tradus
Înscris de peterbald
Limba sursă: Engleză

I was referred to you by Mr. Igor Dernovsek of Asclepion Laser Technologies. He told me that in your clinic you use the QuadroStar Yellow Laser for facial redness. I suffer from severe rosacea and would like to know how much it would cost to treat both of my cheeks with this type of laser.
Observaţii despre traducere
rosacea = розацеа
17 Ianuarie 2017 11:03