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翻訳 - ルーマニア語-英語 - La Mandragora are restaurantul deschis ÅŸi la

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ルーマニア語英語

カテゴリ 日常生活

La Mandragora are restaurantul deschis ÅŸi la
原稿の言語: ルーマニア語

Vă invităm la prânz!
La Mandragora are restaurantul deschis şi la prânz, de luni până vineri,
între orele 12:00 şi 15:00. Multe salate, paste, legume la wok (bucătăria
asiatică ne inspiră!) - totul fresh.
Seara, bucătăria este deschisă între orele 18:30 şi 23:00, iar barul până
la ultimul client.
Vă aşteptăm (la prânz şi cină) La Mandragora.
engleza britanica

Edits done according to Oana F's suggest /pias 080907.

Original: "Va invitam la prinz!
La Mandragora are restaurantul deschis si la pranz, de luni pana vineri,
intre orele 12:00 si 15:00. Multe salate, peste, legume la wok (bucataria
asiatica ne inspira!) - totul fresh.
Seara, bucataria este deschisa intre orele 18:30 si 23:00, iar barul pana
la ultimul client.
Va asteptam ( la pranz si cina) La Mandragora."

We invite you to lunch

Oana F.様が翻訳しました
翻訳の言語: 英語

We invite you to lunch!
"La Mandragora" now keeps its restaurant opened at lunchtime as well. From noon to 3pm - Monday to Friday. Many kinds of salad, pasta, wok-cooked vegetables (we are inspired by asiatic specialities) –everything fresh!
In the evening, our kitchen is open from 6:30 to 11:30, and the bar until the last client.
We are waiting for you (for lunch and dinner).
La Mandragora.
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2008年 9月 9日 18:29



2008年 9月 7日 16:48

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi Oana,

I guess you translated this "advertisement" quite textually. However to read more natural in English I'd make some changes in style.

For the first line:
"“La Mandragora” has the restaurant opened at noon as well from Monday to Friday, from 12:00 to 15:00"

I'd say:

"'La Mandragora' now keeps its restaurant opened for lunch as well, from Monday to Friday, from noon to 15:00".
I suppose 'La Mandragora' is not just a restaurant, but a establishment which has also a restaurant, perhaps a hotel...

"à la wok" should be in inverted commas for being a foreign expression. An option would be: "prepared/made in a wok", but that would not sound as stylish.

What do you think?

2008年 9月 7日 17:21

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
Hi. Your suggestions were useful, thank you. In the first part I didn't add "now" because the text in Romanian doesn't include it, not even the suggests, even though it sounds more natural with "now". If I add "now" it changes a liitle bit the meaning and I am not sure it is ok. Let me ask the requester, ok?

2008年 9月 7日 17:24

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
Draga Ioanahoney, spune-mi te rog daca vrei sa modific in traducere propozitia "La Mandragora are restaurantul deschis şi la prânz" in "La Mandragora acum are restaurantul deschis şi la prânz". In engleza suna mai natural, ce zici?

2008年 9月 7日 22:45

投稿数: 1
multumesc frumos!
doar voiam sa ma verific.
si, intr-adevar ai dreptate. suna mult mai bine in engleza asa cum ai zis tu.
am ajustat putin textul in limba romana si uite ce a iesit:
"We invite you to lunch!
"La Mandragora" Restaurant is now open for lunch
from 12:00 till 15:00, Monday to Friday.
Fresh salads, fresh fish and wok-cooked vegetables!
The kitchen is open from 6.30 PM till 11.00 PM and the bar
untill the last client.
See you for lunch and dinner at "La Mandragora".
multumesc inca o data!

2008年 9月 8日 00:08

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
loanahoney said that is better to add the "now".

2008年 9月 8日 00:16

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
Draga loanahoney, chiar si in a doua traducere mi se pare ca ai cateva greseli, cred ca ar fi mai bine sa il postezi pentru traducere, il va traduce cineva si tu poti confrunta cu traducerea ta. Salutari, pa pa

Dear Lilian, the text in English that you can see in the requester's message is not the translation of the original text. She is trying a better spot text for that restaurant. I suggested her she should post it again because it seems to me there are some mistakes.

2008年 9月 8日 00:21

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Oana, she'd better edit the original request as she wishes instead of submitting a new request, or all your work (and mine) with this translation will be lost.

2008年 9月 8日 00:26

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
I think she is has not made up her mind about the text in Romanian. She says that she agrees with our version in English and she created another text. Anyway she speaks English and she can see your suggestion about editting the text

2008年 9月 8日 00:35

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
Loanahoney, de fapt Lilian spune sa nu mai postezi alt text ci sa il modifici pe acesta, apoi vom schimba si noi traducerea in functie asta. Pa pa, noapte buna

2008年 9月 8日 19:56

投稿数: 238
je ne sais pas trop pour l'anglais aussi je met la traduction en français!

Nous vous invitons à déjeuner
La Mandragore a un restaurant ouvert aussi pour le déjeuner, du lundi jusqu'au vendredi, entre 12h et 15h Beaucoup de salades, pates, légumes au Wok(la cuisine asiatique nous inpire!). Tout est frais.
Le soir, la cuisine est ouverte entre 18h30 et 23h00, il y a le bar pour les derniers clients.
Nous vous attendons(pour déjeuner et pour dîner/souper) au Mandragore

2008年 9月 9日 09:02

投稿数: 970
Hi everybody,

The translation looks fine to me!

I only have one observation: Asiatic cuisine is not necessarily Chinese.... (could be Japanese, Thai, Indian etc. as well)

2008年 9月 9日 10:00

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
Of course, Azitrad, you are absolutely right. Thank you

2008年 9月 9日 11:56

投稿数: 1910
'wok'-ul e cratiţa aceea în care se găteşte mâncarea tradiţional asiatică ştiu dacă este chiar bine spus "à la wok", aşa sună a fel de mâncare, ca "salată à la grecque" (cred că aşa se scrie...)
ÃŽn rest e bine tradus.

2008年 9月 9日 13:44

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
sugestii pentru "legume la wok"?

2008年 9月 9日 14:50

投稿数: 970
"wok-cooked" looks fine to me!

2008年 9月 9日 15:05

Oana F.
投稿数: 388
yes, I think it's ok like this, thank you