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번역 - 프랑스어-영어 - Article - Part 3

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 프랑스어영어

분류 신문 - 사회 / 사람들 / 정치들

Article - Part 3
iepurica에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 프랑스어

David a dit dans une interview que son nom de famille venait du nord de l'Italie. Apparemment, la famille de son grand-père était tailleur de pierres avant d'immigrer aux USA. Son nom se prononce "BOR-RE-AHN-AS" (BOR-RI-ANAZ).
- David aime qu'on l'appelle "David" et pas avec des surnoms.
- Il déteste se voir à l'écran et n'a regardé aucun épisodes d'Angel cette saison. Il n'a pas non plus entièrement regardé "Mortelle St-Valentin".
- David dort entièrement nu car porter des vêtements dans un lit le rend claustrophobe.
- Il aime s'habiller avec les marques Versace et Helmut Lang. Il aime porter les vêtements dans lesquels il se sent à l'aise et qui sont confortables.
- Enfant, David avait les cheveux blonds bouclés et très longs. Ils ont foncé en grandissant mais ils ont gardé leur naturelle ondulation ce qui l'oblige de temps en temps à les faire défriser.
- Quand on lui pose la question, David se voit à la fois comme un Roméo et un rebelle. "Je suis un Roméo dans le sens où je connais mon coeur et ce dont je suis capable par passion. Mais je suis également un rebelle dans le fait qu'en amour je peux - être sauvage".
- Il travaille cinq fois par semaine avec un entraîneur personnel afin de continuer à garder la forme physique.
- Il faut 1 heure et demie pour qu'on lui installe son visage de vampire et une bonne heure pour le lui retirer. Bien que ce soit un masque, ils doivent également peindre le visage et le maquiller ce qui prend du temps.
- David a appris à jouer du tambour auprès d'un de ses amis et co-star d'Angel, Glenn Quinn.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
NOTE: Please do not translate this unless you are completely fluent in English - it takes too long to edit it! -- kafetzou

Article Part 3

Tantine에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

David said, in an interview, that his surname came from the north of Italy. Apparently his granfather's family were stone cutters before emigrating to the States. His name is pronounced "BOW-RIE-ANN-AZ" (BOR-RI-ANAZ).
- David likes to be called "David" and does not like nicknames
- He hates to see himself on the screen and has not watched a single episode of Angel this season. He did not watch all of "Valentine" either.
- David sleeps naked as wearing clothes in bed gives him claustrophobia.
- He likes dressing in Versace and Helmut Lang. He likes wearing clothes in which he feels easy and which are comfortable.
- As a child, David had very long, curly, blond hair. They darkened with age but have kept their natural wave which leads him to having them straightened from time to time.
- If you ask the question, David sees himself both as a Romeo and as a rebel. "I'm a Romeo in that I know my heart and what I am capable of out of passion. I'm also a rebel in that I can love "wildly".
- He works out five times a week with a personal coach to stay in physical shape.
- It takes an hour and a quarter to put on his vampire face and another full hour to take it off. Though this is a mask, there is also a good deal of face-painting and makeup which takes time.
David has learned to play the drum with one of his friends and co-star from "Angel", Glenn Quinn.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Not sure of "phonetics" for "BOR-RI-ANAZ" in english!
samanthalee에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 6월 6일 02:21