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번역 - 간이화된 중국어-영어 - 我想对你说

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 간이화된 중국어영어프랑스어한국어

limenglovechangy350918046에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 간이화된 중국어

你好,月 我不知道我在你心目中到底是什么位置,我不管那些,我只知道我自己爱你,我不知道我自 己对你的爱能坚持多久. 至少现在还爱你着,有人说: "如果以前俩人是很好的朋友,很难 成为爱人"我不相信,我要试着改变它. 记住我爱你着. 我不知道你是怎么想的. 我很想知 道可你比较内向什么都不会说出来.

Wish to tell you that…

ivona에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Hi Yue,

I don’t know if I have any place in your heart, but anyway, all I know is that I love you. I don’t know how long my love for you will last, but at least for now it is real. There is a saying: “If two people were very good friends, it is almost impossible for them to turn lovers”. But I don’t believe in this and I want to prove it wrong. Please know that I love you. I don’t know how you feel about this. I really want to know what you are thinking, but you are so quiet, never telling me anything.
samanthalee에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 5월 28일 10:27