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Translation - English-Italian - I'm the decider

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishFrenchItalian

Category Humor - Society / People / Politics

I'm the decider
Submitted by nava91
Source language: English

I'm the decider
Remarks about the translation
- "Famous" (erm) sentence by G. Bush.
- This is obviously a little game. I was wondering how best to translate it into French, knowing that "decider" does not exist in English, but "décideur" does, in French. (read: you're not "allowed" (if I may say so)) to use "décideur"... Have fun! ;)

Decido io

Translated by nava91
Target language: Italian

Decido io
Remarks about the translation
Sono io che decido
Last validated or edited by Witchy - 20 February 2007 17:25