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96Texte d'origine - Albanais - ..niki

Etat courantTexte d'origine
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: AlbanaisSerbe

Catégorie Ecriture libre - Enfants et adolescents

Texte à traduire
Proposé par anitnelav
Langue de départ: Albanais

po vallaa knaqum bashk edhe ti sarand ki pervoj se ju ke hyp moti skijave hahahahahahhahahaha e munesh me ardh me neve :D HAHAHAHHAHA"
Commentaires pour la traduction
..da bude tacno...ovo je komentar na face-u,pa bih zelela da znam prevod...
19 Décembre 2009 13:52

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23 Décembre 2009 15:20

Nombre de messages: 1206
Hello! Could I have a bridge here, please? Thanks!

CC: liria bamberbi

28 Décembre 2009 21:32

Nombre de messages: 210

Hi Maki_sindja

"yes valla, we'll have great time together and you Saranda have experience because you are dissipated long time ago hahahahaahaha and you can come with us.

valla- I swear to God
Saranda- name of a girll
ju ke hyp moti skijave- like a verbal translation it means: "you are skiing a log time ago", but in this case it is frase wich means- dissipated

30 Décembre 2009 14:45

Nombre de messages: 1206
Thanks Iliria!

I'm just not sure about "dissipated". I found a couple of meanings but I'm not sure which one is the best one. Maybe you could write a synonym or explain it in other words...

Thank you once again!

30 Décembre 2009 15:18

Nombre de messages: 210
Hi Maki-sindja,
I see that the request translation is Serbian,
meaby you beter will understand me in Macedonian.

Toa e edna fraza sto vo slucajot se koristi za devojka (Saranda) koja e izgubena celata, naivna, sto luduva, se zabavuva, ama ne vo pozitivna konotacija.
Mozebi na srpski najdobro bi doslo: "skrsnala"

"Da boga mi, ke pomineme super zaedno, posto ti Saranda imas iskustvo zasto odamna si skrsnala, hahaha, i zatoa mozes da dojdes so nas, hahaha."

Sorry za Makedonskiot, ama veruvam deka si me razbrala...
A sto se odnesuva do "dissipated", i jas go najdov zborot vo recnik, i spored prevodot i objasnuvanjeto (na albanski) najdobro mi odgovarase.


30 Décembre 2009 16:00

Nombre de messages: 1206
Thank you veeery much Iliria!
But I have the same problem again, I don't know what "skrsnala" means.

Maybe you can explain me the meaning of it (by a sentence, not a synonym) in other words, English or Macedonian. I understand English better than Macedonian.

Sorry for the bother.

30 Décembre 2009 16:05

Nombre de messages: 1206
Or maybe you could give me the infinitive of that verb and I'll try to find it in an online dictionary.

30 Décembre 2009 17:12

Nombre de messages: 210

30 Décembre 2009 17:39

Nombre de messages: 210
I think that in Serbian it is: "skrenula"

...izgubena celata, naivna, sto luduva, se zabavuva, ama ne vo pozitivna konotacija.

The girl is complitly lost, she goes to party all the time, with boys, she doesn't work, just make fun and similar thinks.

31 Décembre 2009 01:20

Nombre de messages: 1206
Oh, now I understand it!

Thank you very, very, very... much! And of course you'll get half of the points for your hard work!

Have a nice evening and a great time tomorrow night!