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Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Turco geçmiş olsun neyin var ...........senmisin bana...
Geçmiş olsun, neyin var? Sen misin? Bana adını yaz, başkası mı dedim yoksa. Adını yaz.

Traduções concluídas
Sérvio Nadam se da ćeÅ¡ biti dobro, Å¡ta ti je......da li si ti
Língua de origem
Inglês Notes on a Music Album #1
"Abrahadabra" is a reflection of my exaggerated personal feelings. It is the first endeavor to my idea of “pictorial rock” - i.e. composition of sounds that recite a sequence of mental pictures. Actually all of these instrumental tracks have a real-life story behind them. There are very vague allusions to these stories in the CD booklet. e.g. “Route” is the story of a death ceremony and recites the mourning over the dead in a way that is done in eastern culture. Or “Told to the Bird” is the story of my own confession to a bunch of flying birds in a ritualistic way... In one sentence, while composing this album, I felt very lovesick, idealist and outraged.
"Abrahadabra" is name of a music album. Please don't translate it.

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol Comentario sobre un Álbum musical #1
Italiano "Abrahadabra"
Russo Notes on a Music Album #1
Francês Notes de l'album musical 1
Holandês Notities over Muziek Album #1
Polaco Komentarz do muzycznego albumu #1
Sueco Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #1
Alemão Anmerkungen zu einem Musikalbum Nr. 1
Norueguês Notater om et musikkalbum #1
Dinamarquês Notes on a Music Album #1
Turco Bir Müzik Albümünden Notlar #1
Projecto - ngoglobaal Língua de origem
Holandês de missie van ngo globaal
interactief goed bezig zijn,in het belang van mens en milieu door het creëren van duurzame positieve raderen
"goed bezig zijn" is een vlaamse zegswijze om aan te geven dat men op een goede manier met iets bezig is.

Traduções concluídas
Inglês the mission of 'ngo globaal'
Francês La mission de l'ONG "GLOBAAL"
Espanhol la misión de 'ngo globaal'
Esperanto Bone fari...
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Turco nasıl görüşeceğiz
Nasıl görüşeceğiz?

Traduções concluídas
Inglês How shall we meet?
Língua de origem
Japonês 1 扉が上手く滑らないな……歪んでしまったようだ2 ...
1 扉が上手く滑らないな……歪んでしまったようだ

2 血?こんなのさっきあったか?

3 いや、なかったぞ!こんなの!

 お陰で この前もGoogleでマンホールの中の人魚を


These are situations where the boy are saying the phrase above.

1.Lein-san said the door like this is called be jamed door.

2.Boy:...A blood palm??
Have i seen this just moments earlier...?

3.Boy:No,i haven't...seen!
Someone knocked the door with blood palm?!
Is anyone beyond the door?

※Someone knocked this door enough to put a stamp of blood palm,he is saying about that.Verb Knocking is used when we use back of hand and we knock 2~3 times?? Knocking can not be used when we
use palm and we knock 1 time???

4.I ****** up because i could not resist seeing scary things...I googled "mermaid in a manhole" before,i stumbled across many pictures of the scenes of the movie...I vomited everything of dinner i had eaten...


If possible,please translate in british english this part only(others can be translated in american english).In this scene,he speak Kyoto-ben(one of a dialect of japanese),i would like translate it into british english.

6.I...i killed...human! i...i killed...human being...with these hands...!!!!!!!
Oh my!

Traduções concluídas
Inglês A bloodstained door
Língua de origem
Russo Особенностью примененной нами методики было...
При концентрациях 1-3 часть исходного вещества остается не перекристаллизованной, а при концентрациях свыше 5 происходит образование помимо эвлитина кристаллической фазы со структурой силленита. Этой температуры достаточно для успешного синтеза, поэтому работы по поиску более высокотемпературных материалов нами не проводились.
классическй английский
fettled with Teflon - футерован фторопластом
eulytite - эвлитин
sillenite - силленит

Traduções concluídas
Inglês Special feature of the method applied by us was…
Língua de origem
Árabe تعتبر صناعة السياحة من اكثر ...
تعتبر صناعة السياحة من اكثر الصناعات حساسية وتأثيرا بكافة المتغيرات سواء كانت عالمية او محلية ولعل اهم مظاهر تأثير تلك المتغيرات على صناعة السياحة هى تعدد الانماط السياحية والتطور التكنولوجى وخاصة فى مجال النقل الجوى بسبب تعدد وتنوع رغبات السائحين لكونهم اصبحوا اكثر دراية وخبرة بمختلف وسائل النقل وتفضيلهم بين وسائل النقل المختلفة لاختيار ما يناسبهم .

Traduções concluídas
Inglês Tourism
Língua de origem
Chinês tradicional 争议

Traduções concluídas
Inglês disputes
Língua de origem
Chinês tradicional 半年之上的加班作废。

Traduções concluídas
Inglês Overtime of over half a year is void.
Língua de origem
Chinês tradicional 服务外包的实质是企业和服务商之间的一种"委托-代理"关系,由于委托方和代理方之间存在着信息不对称、信...

Traduções concluídas
Inglês The essence of service outsourcing
Língua de origem
Árabe رمضان في مصرلدخول الشهر الكريم فرحة ...
رمضان في مصر

لدخول الشهر الكريم فرحة كبيرة في قلوب الصغار والكبار تجعل الكل يستعد له ويستقبله

قبيل دخول رمضان تنهمك الاسرة المصرية في شراء احتياجات البيت من السلع الغذائية وياميش رمضان

Traduções concluídas
Inglês Ramadan in Egypt
Turco Mısır'da Ramazan
Língua de origem
Turco Sıpam seni çok seviyorum.
Sıpam seni çok seviyorum.

Traduções concluídas
Bósnio Magarac mali, volim te puno
Língua de origem
Francês Les collections de ce musée situé au cÅ“ur de la...
Les collections de ce musée situé au cœur de la ville de Vigo offrent au visiteur un choix de la production artistique récente dans une vaste gamme d’activités créatives : arts plastiques, architecture, vidéo, art sur le net, création et mode.

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol Las colecciònes de este museo
Sérvio kolekcije ovog muzeja slestenog u srcu grada
Língua de origem
Inglês Curiculum Vitae
• Primary in charged for client service including direct sale.
• In charged for pricing and supply.
• Designed the sale strategy, final assortment and distribution.
• Assisted to company manager in marketing.
• In charged for small bookkeeping and managed stock.
• Assisted with monthly financial reports.
• After setting up a network of employees (five staff), trained them; managed and supervised their work in the coordination with the manager.
• Promoter and seller.

Traduções concluídas
Sérvio Poslovna Biografija
Língua de origem
Alemão Engel sind Menschen,die das Licht durchlassen.
Engel sind Menschen,die das Licht durchlassen.

Traduções concluídas
Lituano Angelai
Língua de origem
Inglês Friendship force
This book builds a bridge of friendship to human coexistence beyond the borders.

Traduções concluídas
Croata Most prijateljstva
Língua de origem
Alemão Vorwort 3,1
Sprache verbindet! Ãœber die Grenzen hinaus will dieses Buch seine Leser und Leserinnen dazu anregen, gemeinsam nachzudenken, miteinander zu sprechen und sich auseinanderzusetzen mit Themen rund um das menschliche Miteinander.
Wir wünschen allen Lesern und Leserinnen aus unterschiedlichsten Nationen und Kulturen viel Freude damit!

Traduções concluídas
Francês Préface 3,1
Inglês Forward 3.1
Italiano Prefazione 3.1
Russo Предисловие 3.1.
Croata Predgovor 3,1
Língua de origem
Espanhol Te quiero mucho Cuidate mucho
Te quiero mucho

Cuidate mucho

Traduções concluídas
Croata ...
Língua de origem
Turco Çok tatlı poz vermiş.Birbirinize ...
Çok tatlı poz vermiş.
Birbirinize çok yakışıyorsunuz.

Traduções concluídas
Bósnio Pozirala(o) je vrlo slatko
Alemão Sehr schön posiert. Ihr passt sehr gut zueinander.
Croata Хорватский
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