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Översättning - Brasiliansk portugisiska-Engelska - A humildade, a tolerância, o perdão e a...

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Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: Brasiliansk portugisiskaFranskaEngelskaSpanskaEsperantoItalienskaPortugisiskaJapanskaGrekiskaTyska

Kategori Tankar - Samhälle/Folk/Politik

A humildade, a tolerância, o perdão e a...
Tillagd av Lucila
Källspråk: Brasiliansk portugisiska

A humildade, a tolerância, o perdão e a compreensão constituem o segredo da felicidaade. Juntos à sabedoria culminam no sucesso.
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Solicito a tradução correta a cada idioma e não somente o signficado, ou seja, tradução com sentido.

Humility, tolerance, forgiveness...

Översatt av lilian canale
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

Humility, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding constitute the secret of happiness.
Together with wisdom, they lead to success.
Senast granskad eller redigerad av dramati - 5 Februari 2008 07:37

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5 Februari 2008 01:43

Antal inlägg: 1671
Small changes:

Humility, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding constitute the secret of happiness.
Together with wisdom, they lead to success.

"Comprehension" has a limited meaning, like simply understanding an idea or a question on an examination
"Understanding" is a more fully human quality, of also seeing other people as they are and accepting them as they are

Wisdom does not seem to be specified here, the text seems to speak of wisdom in general

Other small stylistic points corrected

5 Februari 2008 01:48

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
I agree, master!

I'll edit that.

5 Februari 2008 02:17

Antal inlägg: 1671