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번역 - 스페인어-영어 - Geminis es muy poco constante y eso Capricornio...

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Geminis es muy poco constante y eso Capricornio...
Sunnybebek에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 스페인어

Geminis es muy poco constante y eso Capricornio no lo puede soportar. No aguanta que un día esté animado y dispuesto a trabajar duro, y al siguiente día no se levante del sillón ni para ir a por un vaso de agua. Además, cuando Capricornio empieza con sus discursitos, géminis echa a temblar porque odia los sermones.

Geminian- Capricornean

lilian canale에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

A Geminian is little constant and a Capricornean can't stand that. He can't bear the other being animated and willing to work hard one day, and the next day he doesn't get off the couch, not even to get a glass of water. Moreover, when a Capricornean begins with his little speeches, the Geminian begins to tremble because he hates sermons.
Francky5591에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2010년 2월 17일 15:30