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번역 - 폴란드어-영어 - puszczalas dzisiaj baczki? buziaczki dla ciebie i...

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분류 문장

puszczalas dzisiaj baczki? buziaczki dla ciebie i...
mouka에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 폴란드어

puszczalas dzisiaj baczki? buziaczki dla ciebie i dla anny?

were you playing with little tops today? kisses for you and...

Olesniczanin에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

were you playing with little tops today? kisses for you and anna?
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
The meaning was hard to guess because of some mistakes and lack of diacritics. Anyway, I believe that "baczki" is actually "bÄ…czki" which means "little tops". "Anna", a female name, was written in lower case so I've done the same in the translation. What's more, the last question mark is of course senseless but I left it as it was.
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 4월 8일 07:48

마지막 글


2008년 4월 5일 20:14

게시물 갯수: 218
Little tops?

I don't see what little tops are. :/

I see a translation for the polish source but I have terrible doubt, as it is linked to... Fart.. :/

2008년 4월 5일 23:19

게시물 갯수: 73

Little top is a kind of toy:

2008년 4월 6일 00:02

게시물 갯수: 218
Oh, true, fully true.

I'm confused to admit that I didn't think about that.

Anyway, for me "puścić bączka" has a completely other meaning, more slangy and inappropriate one :/

2008년 4월 6일 00:23

게시물 갯수: 73
Well, that's why I said the meaning was hard to guess to me. Actually, this expression is ambiguous but see why I've finally translated it as "playing with little tops":

"puścić bąka" suggest "to fart"
"puszczać bączki" suggest "to play with (little) tops"

That's what I feel. What's more, I believe asking if someone were playing with tops makes just more sense.

Anyway, we can't totally rule out your version either.


2008년 4월 6일 00:32

게시물 갯수: 218
First of all I'm glad to see that I am not the only one thinking about the 'dirty' translation also

As both translations are completely correct, and we cannot figure out which one is the exact one, let's admit the "cleanest" one.

Then, if the submitter can comment in a way that would allow us to consider the other option, the history of the messages we just wrote should be enough to easily change the translation.

What do you think about this?

2008년 4월 6일 00:38

게시물 갯수: 73
Yeah. I still insist the option I've chosen is more likely. But of course we have too less information to be sure.
Consequently, I agree with you, now we have to wait for Mouka to clarify what they meant.