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Texto original - Inglés - Interviewer and Mayor

Estado actualTexto original
Este texto está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: Inglés

Categoría Ficción / Historia

Interviewer and Mayor
Texto a traducir
Propuesto por Bourbonheim
Idioma de origen: Inglés

: Excuse me, Mayor. I would like to confirm if you really are willing to fight against Cartel.

: I would just like there to be peace in this city. That is all. If Cartel is really prepared to accept shutting down and if they really are prepared to cease narcotrafficking between American and Latin American countries, I will be delighted to comply.

: But Mayor... Some people are worried about the employment rate going down because of their business going out.

: For getting rid of problems, I would like to enact public works projects and I would employ former drug dealers and former hitmen.
Nota acerca de la traducción
This is a dialog of fiction Story in Mexico.
Interviewer Speaking Spanish, mayor responding in Spanish too.
8 Febrero 2016 14:41