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Översättning - Tyska-Engelska - Ist auch die Anlehnung an Bach nicht immer so...

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Ist auch die Anlehnung an Bach nicht immer so...
Tillagd av milkman
Källspråk: Tyska

Ist auch die Anlehnung an Bach nicht immer so deutlich wie in der Motette Aus tiefer Not oder in etlichen weiteren ebenfalls während der Zeit der großen mehr als zweijährigen Bildungsreise durch Europa entstandenen choralgebundenen Kompositionen, Kantaten vor allem, so bildet sie dennoch in vielen, zumal geistlichen Vokalwerken eine wichtige Schicht der kompositorischen Faktur. Mendelssohns erstes Oratorium Paulus orientiert sich nicht nur in seiner formalen Disposition, in der Balance zwischen Chören, Arien und Rezitativen, an der Matthäus-Passion in jener Form, wie sie 1829 zur Aufführung gebracht wurde, sondern nähert sich auch hinsichtlich der eingefügten Choralsätze, obwohl deren Erscheinungsbild sich im Verlauf des Werkes zunehmend von jenem Bachscher Choralsätze ent-fernt, dem Vorbild. Nicht zufällig wurden gerade die Choräle im Paulus bei einigen zeitgenössischen Kritikern zum Stein des Anstoßes, obwohl das Werk im ganzen sich höchsten Lobes erfreute.

Even if the imitation of Bach is not so...

Översatt av Minny
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

Even if the imitation of Bach is not as evident as in the motet “Aus tiefer Not” or as in several other choral compositions, cantatas above all, which were composed during the great educational journey through Europe that took more than two years, it nevertheless forms an important layer of the compositional structure in many, especially spiritual vocal works. Mendelssohn’s first oratorio Paulus did not only adapt itself in its formal disposition, in the balance between choruses, arias and recitatives, to the Matthäus-Passion in the form, as it was performed in 1829, but also resembled the model with regard to the introduced choral phrases, although their appearance withdrew increasingly in the course of the work from that choral movement by Bach. Not by chance precisely those chorales in the Paulus became a thorn in the eye of some contemporary critics, although the work as a whole enjoyed highest praise.

Anmärkningar avseende översättningen
Aus tiefer Not = From Deep Need
Paulus = Paul
Matthäus-Passion = Matthew's Passion
Senast granskad eller redigerad av kafetzou - 29 April 2009 07:05

Senaste inlägg


26 April 2009 21:20

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
Hi Minny,
This looks like a fine translation, however since I don't know German I'll ask Kafetzou (who masters it) to evaluate it, OK?

@Laura, would you mind?

CC: kafetzou

26 April 2009 21:35

Antal inlägg: 773
For me it's great!
Thanks Minny

I've asked for "meaning only" so it should be ok

29 April 2009 07:02

Antal inlägg: 7963
I've made a few edits. Minny, here is your original transation, in case you'd like to compare them:

Even if the imitation of Bach is not as evident as in the motet “Aus tiefer Not” or as in
several other chorus compositions, cantatas above all, which were composed during the great
educational travel through Europe that took more then two years, the imitation forms
never the less in many, especially, spiritual vocal works an important layer of the compositional structure. Mendelssohn’s first oratorio Paulus did not only adapt itself in its formal disposition, in the balance between choruses, arias and recitatives, to the Matthäus-Passion in the form, that it was performed in 1829, but also got close to the exemplary composer with regard to the entered coral movement although their appearance withdraw increasingly in the course of the work from that coral movement by Bach. Not by chance became precisely the chorales in the Paulus a thorn in the eye of some contemporary critics although the work as a whole enjoyed highest praise.

29 April 2009 07:06

Antal inlägg: 7963
Note: The problems were mostly with word order - this was an incredibly difficult translation - well done, Minny.

29 April 2009 09:21

Antal inlägg: 271
Thanks a lot for taking your time to improve my translation! ;-)

30 April 2009 01:14

Antal inlägg: 7963
You're welcome. I could have accepted it as is, as milkman said, but it goes into the archives so I wanted to make sure it was correct in English first.

30 April 2009 09:29

Antal inlägg: 271
I appreciate that very much and I am glad to get the opportunity to learn.
Thanks again!