Cucumis - Serviciu gratuit de traducere pe web
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Ţara ‎United States
Anul de naştere1984
Prima vizită23 Septembrie 2008
Ultima vizită29 Aprilie 2011 21:38
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Limba principală ‎Engleză Engleză
Everett poate citi în următoarele limbi: EnglezăNorvegianăDanezăEsperanto
Traducerea - Preferinte
Limba sursăNorvegiană
Limba ţintăEngleză
Greetings, language users!

Howdy, you all! My name is Everett. I am a resident of the state of Minnesota, USA. I am learning 3 languages: Icelandic, Norwegian, and Russian. I hope to become a translator some day (after I become fluent in Russian, that is!). For me, learning languages is so much fun, because I put high value on the power of words, and their ability to precisely express what it may be that I want to say.

I promise that I will answer all messages that you may send to me, and I will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity. My love goes out to each one of you!