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44Umseting - Rumenskt-Enskt - Lucrurile mici pe care le facem si le spunem au...

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Bólkur Tankar

Lucrurile mici pe care le facem si le spunem au...
Framborið av Ionut Andrei
Uppruna mál: Rumenskt

Lucrurile mici pe care le facem şi le spunem au mare importanţă în timp ce noi ne urmăm calea.
Un gest frumos poate să ia povara umerilor obosiţi de drum.
O vorbă bună poate îndulci inima precum o ploaie de vară peste florile însetate.
Câtă bucurie ţâşneşte deodată din lucrurile mici şi simple, deci simplu, dar din suflet "LA MULŢI ANI!"

îţi urează cu ocazia zilei tale de naştere,
părinţii Claudiei
Viðmerking um umsetingina
Este nevoie de o formulare aniversară, ca format al textului.

** corrected word: trăsneşte -> ţâşneşte

Small things we do and say have great ...

Umsett av Ionut Andrei
Ynskt mál: Enskt

Small things we do and say have great importance as we follow our path.
A nice gesture can take the burden of the road off the weary shoulders.
A kind word can soften the heart like a summer rain over the thirsty flowers.
How much joy in small and simple things suddenly sprout, in a simple way, but from the soul "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Our best wishes on your birthday,
Claudia's Parents.

Góðkent av lilian canale - 7 Desember 2009 19:21

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3 Desember 2009 19:27

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
Hi Ionut,

Could you explain why you translate your own request?

4 Desember 2009 13:17

Ionut Andrei
Tal av boðum: 56
Is it not allowed?

4 Desember 2009 13:33

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
I didn't mean it was not allowed, but it is a bit weird. If you know how to translate what is the use of that?
Cucumis is a translation site intended to help people communicate when they are not able to write themselves the texts they need, just proofreading is not our aim. That's why I asked.

4 Desember 2009 13:36

Ionut Andrei
Tal av boðum: 56
I just wanted to have this text translated in more languages. That's all. I didn't knew how else to do it.

4 Desember 2009 13:51

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
OK, I'll evaluate your translation and then you may submit the English version as a request to be translated. A text in English will be easier and faster to be translated into other languages.

I've made a few changes in order to sound natural in English. Please tell me if the meaning changed in any way.

Small things we do and say have great importance as we follow our path.
A nice gesture can take the burden of the road off the weary shoulders.
A kind word can soften the heart like a summer rain over the thirsty flowers.
How much joy in small and simple things suddenly sprout, so simple, but from the soul "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

The last part is a bit confusing. Who signs the message? Claudia's parents? If so it should read:

Our best wishes on your birthday,
Claudia's Parents.

What do you think?

5 Desember 2009 13:10

Ionut Andrei
Tal av boðum: 56
This text is a bit confusing to be honest. It sounds like a greeting card made by Claudia's parents but it is made in a way to make you understand the message behind the words. They don't directly tell her the wishes.

I think the message is said by Claudia's parents.

Anyway the changes you made don't change the meaning so I have no problem with them.

5 Desember 2009 16:26

Tal av boðum: 1910
The second phrase >> A nice gesture can take the burden off the shoulders wearied by the (long) road.
It's not very changed the meaning.

5 Desember 2009 17:38

Tal av boðum: 1910
And one more thing: How much joy suddenly sprouts from little and simple things, so(or therefore) simply(*adverb), but from the soul[...].

In the original text instead of "trăsneşte" should be smth very similar: "ţâşneşte" - to spring from, to burst out, even to sprout yep. ^^

6 Desember 2009 18:05

Tal av boðum: 493

Few suggestions:
--> "A nice gesture can take the burden of the road off the weary shoulders" = "A nice gesture can take the burden off the sholders tired of the walk"
(it can be improved )
--> How much joy in small and simple things suddenly sprout, so simple, but from the soul..." = How much joy suddenly springs out of the small and simple things, in a simple way, but from the heart..." (not "soul" - in English 'soul' doesn't collocate)