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engelse cv
提交 yesimceben
源语言: 土耳其语

Ben yesim 1984 adana doğumluyum.Adana’da ailemle yaşıyorum.ilkokul,ortaokul ve liseyi Adana’da okudum.Başarılı bir öğrencilik hayatım oldu.2004 yılında Celal Bayar üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi iktisat bölümünü kazandım iki yıl orda okudum ve tüm yatay geçiş yapamazsın diyenlere inat üçüncü sınıfta Çukurova üniversitesine bölüm üçüncüsü olarak yatay geçiş yaptım ve okulumu bu yıl haziran ayında ilk onun içinde bitirdim ve şu an iş arıyorum.
brits engelse vertaling

Curriculum vitae in English.

翻译 tradtu
目的语言: 英语

My name is Yeşim, I was born in 1984 in Adana. I live with my family in Adana. I studied at Adana Grammar School and High School. I was a skillfull student. In 2004, I passed my exam for the Economics section of Administrative and Economic Sciences Department of Celal Bayar University and studied there for two years. Contrary to all expectations that I couldn't directly pass on the high level, I reached for the third year and got the third best place at the exam of Çukurova University. Finally, this year I finished my session in June among the ten top. And now I'm looking for a job.
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2008年 九月 23日 15:13



2008年 九月 21日 20:32

文章总计: 3769
I won the exam for the Economics section of Administrative and Economic Sciences Department of Celal Bayar University and studied there for two

2008年 九月 21日 22:54

文章总计: 21

to pass an exam = Bir derste/sınavda başarılı olmak.

2008年 九月 22日 03:52

文章总计: 7963
It should be "third year", not "third grade" (that's for primary school only).

2008年 九月 28日 16:37

文章总计: 7963
A couple of comments:

1) In Turkey, the exam system for entrance to university is a bit different. Your choice of what university you can attend depends on what score you get on your exit exam from secondary school, so that's what the writer means with "I won the exam". Maybe it would be better to say, "I scored high enough on my exam to gain entrance to ..."

2) "tüm yatay geçiş yapamazsın diyenlere inat üçüncü sınıfta Çukurova üniversitesine bölüm üçüncüsü olarak yatay geçiş yaptım" is translated as "Contrary to all expectations that I couldn't directly pass on the high level, I reached for the third year and got the third best place at the exam of Çukurova University," but it should be something like this: "Against the expectations of those who said I would not pass, I passed the third year at Çukurova University in third place."

CC: lilian canale

2008年 九月 28日 16:39

文章总计: 7963
Tip to YeÅŸim: I wouldn't put something like that on a resume - you don't want to tell them that a lot of people didn't expect you to pass.