Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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번역 - 프랑스어-영어 - Né le 26 octobre 1980 d'une famille modeste, G a...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 프랑스어영어

분류 편지 / 이메일

Né le 26 octobre 1980 d'une famille modeste, G a...
kiprius에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 프랑스어

Né le 26 octobre 1980 d'une famille modeste, Guillaume a dès ses premiers gribouillons exprimé une certaine sensibilité artistique. Sensibilité qu'il fera évoluer tout au long de sa vie jusqu'à pouvoir l'exprimer en 2005 au sein de l'agence Digital Dream. Il fut débauché en 2006 par l'agence Lucas&John qui lui proposa un poste de webdesigner. Enthousiaste, d'un naturel curieux, totalement passionné par son métier, il acquiert au fils des années une très bonne culture du Webdesign (tendances, ergonomie, contraintes techniques, potentiels du média) qui lui permettra de se voir proposer en 2007 par Lucas&John le poste de Directeur Artistique Web
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
C'est un texte que je dois écrire en anglais sur mon CV pour un futur entretien, j'en ai déjà fait la traduction, mais j'aimerais corriger les erreurs que j'ai dû faire.
merci d'avance
(Traduction en Anglais britannique)

Born on October 26th, 1980...

cacue23에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Born on October 26th, 1980, in a family of modest means, Guillaume showed a certain artistic sensibility as soon as he could scribble - a sensibility that he developed throughout his life until 2005, when he was able to show it within an agency named Digital Dream. He was headhunted in 2006 by the agency Lucas&John, which offered him the position of website designer. Enthusiastic, naturally curious, and totally passionate about his profession, he acquired through the years a high level of proficiency in website designing (trends, ergonomics, technical constraints, media potentials) that allowed him to be offered in 2007 the position of website artistic director at Lucas&John.
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 9월 7일 02:03

마지막 글


2008년 9월 6일 11:42

게시물 갯수: 1671
Wow cacue, your English is excellent!
Only the following small points need correction:
Born on October 26th, 1980, in a family of modest means, Guillaume showed a certain artistic sensibility as soon as he could scribble - a sensibility that he developed throughout his life until 2005, when he was able to show it within an agency named Digital Dream. He was headhunted in 2006 by the agency Lucas&John, which offered him the position of website designer. Enthusiastic, naturally curious, and totally passionate about his profession, he acquired through the years a high level of proficiency in website designing (trends, ergonomics, technical constraints, media potentials) that allowed him to be offered in 2007 the position of website artistic director at Lucas&John.

2008년 9월 6일 11:53

게시물 갯수: 312
Thanks Ian. This looks way better.

2008년 9월 6일 11:50

게시물 갯수: 2
Merci beaucoup

2008년 9월 6일 11:54

게시물 갯수: 312
De rien.

2008년 9월 6일 14:19

게시물 갯수: 2
Afin de progresser en anglais je vous montre ce que j'avais écris:

Born on October 26, 1980, in a modest family, Guillaume has from his first scribbles expressed some artistic sensibility. This sensibility would evolve throughout his life to express itself in 2005 with the Digital Dream agency. He was approached in 2006 by the Lucas&John agency wich offered him a job as a web designer. Enthusiastic, naturally curious, and totally passionate about his job, he acquired a very high skill level in webdesign (trends, ergonomics, technical potentials of the media)and in addition he was offered the job of Web Art Director in 2007 by the Lucas&John agency.

2008년 9월 6일 15:14

게시물 갯수: 330
famille modeste:
why not simply 'a modest family'?

I think 'website artistique director' is usually translated as 'art director website'.

2008년 9월 6일 21:53

게시물 갯수: 312
I've thought about it and decided that "modest family" can mean a family whose members are humble, which doesn't sound quite right.

As of the name of the job, I don't know. But to me "website artistic director" certainly sounds better than "art director website".