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88نص أصلي - ألماني - ... mit dem Engel reden

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... mit dem Engel reden
نص للترجمة
إقترحت من طرف Lev van Pelt
لغة مصدر: ألماني

Nächstens will ich mit dem Engel reden,
ob er meine Augen anerkennt.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
These are the first two verses from an uncollected (and not well known) poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, written in 25.9.1914.
I know the whole poem by heart, and understand well its meaning (even I've translated it into my own mother tongue); but I'd love to read these two verses in Latin, and in classical Greek.
A fancy, perhaps; but quite an urge as well...
20 ايار 2012 02:43