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Originalan tekst - Engleski - " Be a better man than your father"

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiFrancuskiGrčki

Kategorija Fikcija / Priča - Kultura

" Be a better man than your father"
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Izvorni jezik: Engleski

" Be a better man than your father"
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Hi, i saw that sentence in a tv serie called Fringe. In the tv serie they translate that sentence into "na eínai kalýtero ánthropo apó ton patéra sou"
I don't know if t's ancien greek or just greek but someone told me that the translation was wrong ( few grammatical mistakes)
Could you translate it for me ? And do you know if that sentence is a maxim or something like that ?
17 prosinac 2012 21:41