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88Traduzione - Tedesco-Arabo - wir sprechen arabisch

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wir sprechen arabisch
Aggiunto da kellykhaled
Lingua originale: Tedesco

wir sprechen arabisch

نحن نتكلم العربية

Tradotto da elmota
Lingua di destinazione: Arabo

نحن نتكلم العربية
Ultima convalida o modifica di elmota - 19 Agosto 2007 13:11

Ultimi messaggi


6 Dicembre 2007 19:09

Numero di messaggi: 279
•• لماذا نسبت هذه الترجمة اليك يا elmota من فضلك الا يعتبر هذا تعد على حقوق الغير .انتظر منك الاجابة لقد قمت أنا بترجمتها سابقا ، لا يسعني هنا أن اتكلم عن الخروقات الأخرى التي تقع في هذا الموقع و هذا عمل لا يشرّف بتاتا المستخدمين الذّين يسعون جاهدين للتعاون فيما بينهم!!! logo

8 Dicembre 2007 10:56

Numero di messaggi: 744
I dont know what ur talking about, technically thats impossible, im not an admin, i cannot put my name on a translation i didnt do! i dont remember if i did this one or not (i most probably translated the english phrase) but as it appears, i am the first to translate it
JP: can u help us here? marhaban claims that he translated this before I did, and now my name appears on it, is that possible?

CC: cucumis

10 Dicembre 2007 06:01

Numero di messaggi: 3785
No, that's not possible.
The explanation is certainly that this text has been requested several times. Then I've merged several requests in one and I only kept one arabic translation (yours) and removed the one of marhaban. But marhaban didn't lose his points anyway.

CC: marhaban