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172Testo originale - Turco - Sebebinden dogmus oldum seçmeden, Çekecegim...

Stato attualeTesto originale
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: TurcoPortoghese brasiliano

Categoria Canzone

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Sebebinden dogmus oldum seçmeden, Çekecegim...
Aggiunto da Alcione Melo
Lingua originale: Turco

Sebebinden dogmus oldum seçmeden,
Çekecegim derdim nedir bilmeden
Yükledigin yükle yikildim kaldim aman
Vereceksen akil verme istemem
Verme, verme, verme akil verme
Vereceksen huzur ver, vereceksen huzur ver
Azi karar çogu zarar diyenler
Niye çok alirlar, hep az verirler,
Akla ikna olur aski üzenler
Sanma bizden daha mutlu gezerler

Vereceksen huzur ver, vereceksen huzur ver
Kari nerden bilsin zarardan dönen,
Doneceksen simdi dön ben beklemem
Kovulur mu gönül, kondugu yerden
Note sulla traduzione
Música do cantor Tarkan. Como gostei muito da música, gostaria de ter a tradução, senão para o portugues, pode ser para o inlgês. Grata.
10 Aprile 2009 06:15

Ultimi messaggi


10 Maggio 2009 17:10

Numero di messaggi: 980
Bridge for English:

I was born by the reason of something, without choosing,
Without knowing what I would suffer from.
Oh, I am collapsed in a heap by the burden that you have laid on me
If you give me something, I don't want it to be an advice
Don't give me, don't give me, don't give me an advice
If you give me something, let it be peace
If you give me something, let it be peace

People who say enough is as good as a least,
Why do they take a lot and give less?
People who sadden love, are persuaded by wisdom.
Don't suppose that people who wander around are happier than us

If you give me something, let it be peace
If you give me something, let it be peace
The one who recovers from loss,
From where does he know about profit?
If you turn back, turn back now; I don't wait.
Is a heart dismissed from where it is settled?

The text is a little complicated, please ask me if there is something ambiguous