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13Traduzione - Inglese-Catalano - The language being taught

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Categoria Sito web / Blog / Forum - Computers / Internet

The language being taught
Aggiunto da cucumis
Lingua originale: Inglese

When translating a language course, be careful not to translate the words written in the language being taught!
Note sulla traduzione
For example, you have a french lesson commented in english :
« "Bonjour" means "Hello" »
If you want to translate the lesson into italian it will be :
« "Bonjour" significa "Buongiorno" »

In this example the french language is the taught language and the english and spanish languages are the languages used to comment the lesson. "Bonjour" is kept untranslated.

Traduint-llengua-sense traduir

Tradotto da Lila F.
Lingua di destinazione: Catalano

Tingues cura quan tradueixis un curs de llengua, les parts del text escrites en la llengua que s'ensenya han de mantenir-se sense traduir!
3 Gennaio 2006 08:14