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10Traduction - Italien-Anglais - Non hanno ricevuto la prenotazone ...

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Catégorie Language familier - Amour / Amitié

Non hanno ricevuto la prenotazone ...
Proposé par stefola90
Langue de départ: Italien

Non hanno ricevuto la prenotazone e ci hanno messe in un capannone. In bagno c'erano lampade e fili per terra sparsi ovunque; fare la doccia era come tentare il suicidio. Poi la penultima sera quando siamo tornate ci avevano incasinato le nostre cose e c'è stata una gran litigata col personale.
vabe', fortunatamente poi siamo arrivate da te.
Siamo tornate ed è stato traumatico, qua fa veramente troppo caldo! Però eravamo in giro da troppo tempo.
Commentaires pour la traduction

They didn't receive our reservation

Traduit par olympia hendricks
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

They didn't receive our reservation and they put us up in a cabin. In the bathroom, there were lamps and wires strewn all over the floor; taking a shower was like trying to commit suicide. Then, on the evening before last, when we came back, our things had been messed with and there was this huge fight with the personel.
Never mind...luckily, we arrived at your place.
We went back and it was traumatic: it is really overly hot here! But we had been on the go for far too long.
Commentaires pour la traduction
RE: slang translation: our things had been "messed with", "messed around with".
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 23 Août 2009 16:48

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22 Août 2009 21:53

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Olympia,

I'm not sure about this line:
"Granted, we were lucky then and arrived at your place."
It seems to me that 'vabé' is slang for 'va bene' and if so, it should be translated as: 'never mind'
I'll set a poll to see if the community can help, OK?

23 Août 2009 11:01

Aneta B.
Nombre de messages: 4487
Little one. In the sourse should be "la prenotazione" I guess.

A nightmare or reality?

I would translate this line:
"Ok/never mind. Fortunately, then we arrived at your place"

I'm not sure, but maybe instead of:
"on the evening before last"

would be better:
"on the next to last evening"

My best regards!

23 Août 2009 13:24

olympia hendricks
Nombre de messages: 6
Hi Lilian,

What would follow "never mind" then?
Curious to see.

23 Août 2009 15:51

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
I wouldn't change the rest, my doubt was about 'vabé'.

23 Août 2009 13:58

Aneta B.
Nombre de messages: 4487
It's ok. These were only my suggestions...

23 Août 2009 15:51

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi guys,
Could you confirm the translation (and meaning) of that "vabé"?

CC: Efylove Xini

23 Août 2009 16:33

Nombre de messages: 1015
"Never mind" is better (because vabé = va bene).

23 Août 2009 21:02

olympia hendricks
Nombre de messages: 6
The 3 dots were brilliant Lilian and the outcome is more in keeping with the slangy tone of the original!
That's the trouble with these messages, they are spoken not really written material so tone acquires meaning....LOL
Good enough hey!
"Vabe" is loaded with subtle different meanings depending on the tone. It can be dismissive (never mind) or admissive ("Ok", "granted" which is too "pompous" for the occasion!)
Having fun here girls! Good talking to you!