Cucumis - Serviciu gratuit de traducere pe web
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Textul original - Engleză - Wanted: 40 to 50 year old Active, between 40...

Status actualTextul original
Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: EnglezăFrancezăDaneză

Categorie Propoziţie - Dragoste/Prietenie

Wanted: 40 to 50 year old Active, between 40...
Text de tradus
Înscris de benny.giesbers
Limba sursă: Engleză

Wanted: 40 to 50 years old.
Active, between 40 and 50 and lonely? Change your life today! Start for free!
It's never too late for love.
Start your new adventure here today
Free registration.
Click here for the site for active over 50 years old, looking for new love.
Observaţii despre traducere
These translations will be used in an advertisement for a dating site for seniors. If you can improve the texts by making small changes, feel free to do so.

Prefered dialect for the French translation is "French from Belgium".
Editat ultima dată de către Bamsa - 4 Februarie 2013 00:32