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Tradução - Francês-Espanhol - Bon appétit mon bébé espagnol...Je ...

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Categoria Frase - Amor / Amizade

Bon appétit mon bébé espagnol...Je ...
Enviado por hraf67
Língua de origem: Francês

Bon appétit mon bébé espagnol...Je t'aime à mort...Tu es ma vie mon bébé d'amour.
Notas sobre a tradução
Texte amour , merci !

*<edit> bonne appétit" avec "bon appétit" et "bébé"espagnole" avec "bébé espagnol", car "appétit" et "bébé" sont des noms masculins;</edit>

Buen provecho, mi niñita española… ...

Traduzido por Lev van Pelt
Língua alvo: Espanhol

Buen provecho, mi niñita española… Te amo a muerte… Tú eres mi vida, mi niñita de amor.
Última validação ou edição por lilian canale - 9 Setembro 2012 20:19

Última Mensagem


8 Setembro 2012 16:57

Número de mensagens: 12396
Hi Lev! Originally the requester typed "espagnole", which means he's addressing a girl.

I thought well about notifying my edit (in French, even addressed a girl, "bébé" will remain from male gender and so will the related adjectives), but I forgot to mention it would be better if I added it still was addressing a girl.

So I guess it's "niñita"

8 Setembro 2012 22:52

Lev van Pelt
Número de mensagens: 313
Hi Francky!
Sí, sí. Ya vi tu nota, y por ello añadí las mías al respecto; dando la traducción alternativa debajo.
Pero si tú crees que es necesario que edite la traducción y elimine la nota, dímelo, y lo haré enseguida.
(De hecho, si tú das por seguro que se trata de una niña, y que lo de "espagnole" no era sólo un error -como lo de "bonne appétit"-, quizá sea lo mejor editar la traducción.)
Espero tu consejo.

9 Setembro 2012 21:53

Lev van Pelt
Número de mensagens: 313
Oopss, Francky...

I was waiting for an answer from you about that note, etc., but I see that things have been changed already.
(I would have left that remark about the possible use of the word "bebé" as well in Spanish... But, actually, I suppose that it doesn't mind very much...)
No problem

10 Setembro 2012 01:08

Número de mensagens: 12396
No, it doesn't.

The remark I'd add about "bon appétit" is that the final "n" from "bon" is pronounced when there's a vowel in the following word. We call that "une liaison", while if you say "bon dimanche" you don't pronounce the final "n" from "bon", and use the nasal "on". I'm not surprized some people mix up genders because here "bon" really sounds like "bonne" when you say "bon appétit"

Youngsters are a bit lost with written French nowadays, this is not a scoop, unfortunately. I don't know about the other languages, but about French the average level in written French has decreased a lot in the last fifty years!

10 Setembro 2012 02:15

Lev van Pelt
Número de mensagens: 313
The same --if not worse-- happens with written Spanish... Most young people do not use accents any more; and texts become everyday more difficult to read (even in some newspapers!) It's a shame; but we have spoken about this already...
Have a good night, Francky!